Cylinder Dryers are an efficient & Cheapest System for fabric drying with energy saving due to it’s direct contact drying. Cylinder dryer are used in continuous operation with wet processing finishing lines or as separate drying machine as well. We are horizontal and vertical drying range machines suppliers. These are two of the most demanding processing machines in woven dyeing and printing operations.
Techincal Details :

Optionals :
> Teflon-coating on Drying Cylinder
> Temp. Controller Per Stack or Per Group of Cylinder
> In Synchromisation with Finishing Machine or Individual.
> Cooling Cylinder Located in Last stack or on Separate Frame.
> Exhaust Hood with Axial Fan
> Chain / Flat belt drive, Individual or Alternate gear box motor drive.
> Feeding in scaffold or Batching / Palting Device.
> 2 Bowl / 3 Bowl Padding Mangle.